The Shift

On June 13th, Roger delivered a lesson on “The Shift” focusing on the baseball defensive strategy of moving fielders to where the batter is most likely to hit based on data. The lesson goes all the way back to Ted Williams, whom the shift was first done to, as he...

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Courage Lesson and India Work Update

Today former member, Cody Cain visited us with his wife to deliver a lesson on Courage. Cody’s lesson begins by looking at why many shy away from evangelism these days and why it is still needed and expected by God. He notes what Jesus said that if we are ashamed...

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Clarifying Righteousness

Today in his lesson, Clarifying Righteousness, Roger begins by noting that the Bible is very clear that “righteousness” is not easily found among mankind. The lesson shows us that those who do well can still fail in sin, and those who sin can do well by forgiveness. The goal of...

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Focus – Part 1

As we slowly return from our stay-at-home orders from the past months, the church at Waynesville has shortened their Sunday morning worship time and our lessons have been trimmed too. This week Roger begins a short series of lessons on “Focus” or focusing. We look at why focus is important...

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All-In or All-Out + 3 Good Things

Alan Beck joined us today to share some great ideas that we can all use towards our growth and rejuvenation as Christians. The first lesson titled “All-In or All-Out” starts off talking about an infamous football player who could not decide if he was going to be a player or...

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The Mark of a True Christian

  Jason Reeder presented our lessons today. The first lesson was titled, “The Mark of a True Christian” looking as some of the influences in our lives as Christians that have been positive or negative examples to our growth. Each of us is the exact same person to someone around...

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