Three Sabbaths in the Synagogue

Mike’s lesson for us today was about teaching others about God’s Word and how that can be done. The title is “Three Sabbaths in the Synagogue” and we being in Acts 17 verses 1-4 and here we see how Paul went about trying to each both Jews and Greeks in...

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Equally Yoked

Roger Jr. shared his lesson today, though our services were officially cancelled due to show and ice. The lesson was a celebration of the life and marriage of two of the Waynesville congregation’s most long-term members, Glendon and Edith Lamb. Roger met with both Edith and Glendon as well as...

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Engin Akyurt

Spiritual Immaturity

Roger Sr. started his lesson out from 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 and talked about how much people love little babies. But then contrasted that by comparing how no one likes a “cry baby” especially in adults. While being a Christian requires growth, starting at the “milk” of the word, but we...

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The Power of Diligence, part 2

Waynesville member, Ryan Mortland, finished part 2 of his lesson “The Power of Diligence” today. As he noted in his previous lesson, we may often feel like we don’t deserve things, that we’ll mess things up, that we’ll never succeed, that we can’t do something, or we are not good...

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Listening Generously

Alan Beck from the West Carrollton, OH church, was able to be with us again this month and his topic was “Listening Generously”, a topic he picked up from a work event recently. What does that mean? Here’s what he had to say… Our level of quality listening is often...

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Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. shares his lesson entitled, “Timing” using the scripture from Ecclesiastes 3 as his focus. While not focusing on the words of this passage so much, Roger chose images specifically based on the topics being discussed. While chapter 3 begins with noting, “To everything, there is...

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