Courage Lesson and India Work Update

Today former member, Cody Cain visited us with his wife to deliver a lesson on Courage.

Cody’s lesson begins by looking at why many shy away from evangelism these days and why it is still needed and expected by God. He notes what Jesus said that if we are ashamed of our Savior, He says He will be ashamed of us with a reminder where those who avoid God will end up according to scripture.

Cody shares 5 steps to help all of us build courage for boldness, sharing Christ in alternate ways, shining our lights, keeping our Bibles with us, and expressing our faith when speaking to others.

Our job is not to convert or force others to obey, but rather share the good news (gospel’s definition) and let them know what scripture says awaits us after this world.

A recording of Cody’s lesson is below along with slides…

Courage – Cain

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After the lesson, Cody shared the work that he (remotely) and brother Prem (on location) have been doing in India.

Some 75 were baptized, 12 new congregations begun, how families are working in congregations, even in visiting and teaching at leper colonies!

Prem still travels great distances to teach and encourage the brethren at various congregations in the nation. Cody works remotely with Prem to help teach and encourage the preachers over there.

A number of new Indian congregations are having gospel meetings and reaching out to the lost. Cody also shared a map of the locations and areas that are being taught the gospel in frequency. Due to the pushback of Christianity, we’ll not be sharing those maps or images of slides here to ensure the safety and welfare of our brethren across the world.

People are being taught the gospel even if they are from other religious backgrounds and obeying the Word in baptism. Many of those in attendance at meetings are widows and orphans.

COVID-19 continues to ravage much of the nation and they need our prayers.