Letting My Light Shine

Visiting preacher, Marvin Eads shared his lesson today entitled, “Letting My Light Shine?” and he takes his scripture from Matthew 5:14-16. He begins by showing what our “lights” shine by… Doing God’s will, avoiding the things of this world, doing good to all, being forgiving, having pure religion and living...

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Holy Days and Holy Praise

Roger and Abe tag-teamed on the lessons today. As much of the secular and religious world celebrate today as Easter, the lessons today focus on what we put extra attention on with regard to days, seasons, or special times. Many holidays on our calendars have a religious history or current...

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Headless and Heartless Religion

Abe and Roger split lessons today, and in their discussions on what subjects to consider, decided on the subjects of Headless and Heartless Religion. Why you might ask? In this modern era, religions have been turned upside down, or are severely broken compared to the structure for the New Testament...

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Pure Religion

As the lessons hit on the 15th anniversary of September 11th, 2001 when our nation was attacked by men claiming “religion” as the reason for their actions, Abe (who was not feeling well) presented two very good lessons on what “Pure Religion” is. God is the same in both Old...

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Religion, Democracy, and Law

I got the video below from a sister at our congregation and liked it enough to share it on our site. Her husband had shared it with her and others. It is refreshing to see folks in society admit that much of what our nation was built on, even if...

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Why Preach?

Leading up to our gospel meeting coming up  on May 7-10, 2014, Abe’s subject for the lessons today asked a simple question, WHY PREACH? Good question. Why would we want to preach? Don’t most folks know that the general public is not very receptive to the Bible or the teachings...

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