Headless and Heartless Religion

Mike the Headless Rooster

Abe and Roger split lessons today, and in their discussions on what subjects to consider, decided on the subjects of Headless and Heartless Religion. Why you might ask?

In this modern era, religions have been turned upside down, or are severely broken compared to the structure for the New Testament church. Christ is no longer the Head, and elders are not the leaders in local churches. Instead, groups of entertainers or producers of entertainment are running the order of ‘worship’. While exciting and enjoyable to many, the spiritual nature of worship and is put to the side.

Worship is to God, entertainment is to man. Do you see the problem there? Man has also raised church leaders to a level that is not authorized by Christ, His teachings in the New Testament, or the Apostles writing. So as humans appoint ‘god heads’ on earth, and their humanity or popularity are in play, the risks to what the church should be is huge.

Like the popularity of making heads that think like we do (with a tolerance to sin) and not like God (Who is unchanging), some like to pretend to be religious, but as used in Abe’s lesson, “their heart is far from” God. Yes we can go to church, we can study our Bibles, we can teach our kids about God and the church, but it can all be a motion and not real. Our hearts are NOT into what we are doing. God and Christ know where we stand. Even some of us who try to honestly give God our all, let our own needs become more important that God, stealing our hearts from Him.

Both lesson recordings are below, followed by slideshow galleries of each lesson’s slides:

Headless Religion – Starnes, part 1

Heartless Religion – Martin, part 2

Headless Religion Slides:

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Heartless Religion Slides:

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Learn more about Mike the Headless Rooster on Ripley’s blog