The Kingdom of God

Jeremy Price joins us today and begins his lesson by looking at a number of passages. He starts with Colossians 1:13, Psalm 103:19, Romans 13:1, Daniel 4:3, John 18:36, Matthew 4:17, John 3:5-7, 1 Corinthians 6, and Matthew 7:21 all to talk about the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom exists,...

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Conversations with God

Looking back to the stories of David, we can read how God was looking for a leader whom He wanted, not the people as with Saul. Over David’s life, we see a man focused on pleasing God even though he failed from time to time (sometimes greatly). The conversations we...

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Psalm 139 + Weeds

Jeremy Price was able to join us again on October 20th with his family and a few friends and their kids while camping at nearby Caesar Creek State Park. He provided two really insightful lessons on the scripture of Psalm 139 and what we can learn from it. He also...

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Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet

Cody’s lessons today were from Psalm 119:105. Per his first slide, we can see two things… One, that the psalmist is meditating on God’s Word and thinking about different uses of the Word of God in the faithful person’s life. Two, how does the Word of God give direction in...

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Musical Instruments in Worship

Cody gave the lessons today, and his were on Musical Instruments in Worship. What does the bible say about music in worship? Can we read about music in old testament worship of God? If we can, why can’t we have it in the new testament church? What changed? Why are...

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He Leads Me

Today was our 5th Sunday song/scripture/lesson we do for each month with 5 Sundays. Today’s theme was “He Leads Me“. Question, does God lead in your life? Are you following His instructions to the best of your ability, or do you just sort of stay in view of God? Staying...

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