Musical Instruments in Worship

Cody gave the lessons today, and his were on Musical Instruments in Worship. What does the bible say about music in worship? Can we read about music in old testament worship of God? If we can, why can’t we have it in the new testament church? What changed? Why are we careful about what we do when we don’t have direct commands? Cody discusses these things in his lessons.

Recordings and slides from both lessons are below…

Instrumental Music – Cain, lesson 1

Instrumental Music – Cain, lesson 2

Musical-Instruments-Cain-01 Musical-Instruments-Cain-02 Musical-Instruments-Cain-03 Musical-Instruments-Cain-04 Musical-Instruments-Cain-05 Musical-Instruments-Cain-06 Musical-Instruments-Cain-07 Musical-Instruments-Cain-08 Musical-Instruments-Cain-09 Musical-Instruments-Cain-10 Musical-Instruments-Cain-11 Musical-Instruments-Cain-12 Musical-Instruments-Cain-13 Musical-Instruments-Cain-14 Musical-Instruments-Cain-15 Musical-Instruments-Cain-16 Musical-Instruments-Cain-17 Musical-Instruments-Cain-18 Musical-Instruments-Cain-19 Musical-Instruments-Cain-20 Musical-Instruments-Cain-21