Something from Nothing?

Inside the square above is nothing. Don’t believe me? Click on the square and drag it over the cloud background above. You’ll see, there is nothing in it. The square itself is just 30×30 pixels wide/tall. While small, many thousands – perhaps millions of people throughout the ages have decided...

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New Creation

This past Sunday the lessons Abe delivered were entitled, “New Creation”. So what were the lessons about? Listen to the audio below and you will know! I will give you a few hints, babies are new creations, water is involved in this “new” creation, as are souls and Christians… To...

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Holy Spirit – Revelation and Water Baptism

Cody and Abe split the Sunday morning lessons on the “Holy Spirit”. Cody talked about Holy Spirit baptism, and Abe talked about Holy Spirit Revelation. We have had several lessons in classes and sermons on the Holy Spirit, one of the 3 personalities of the Godhead we rarely discuss. Hope...

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A New Christian

What does it take to be a Christian? Once you take that step of obedience to God in baptism, what does it take to be a New Christian? Is it all easier? Is it harder? Why would anyone what to be a Christian? What do you need to know? These...

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