Something from Nothing?

Something from Nothing

Inside the square above is nothing. Don’t believe me? Click on the square and drag it over the cloud background above. You’ll see, there is nothing in it.

The square itself is just 30×30 pixels wide/tall. While small, many thousands – perhaps millions of people throughout the ages have decided that this 30×30 square is where all that is, and ever will be, came from. But how did this 30×30 square produce all this? It didn’t. It is a 30×30 square of nothing. In order to have this square produce anything the square would have had to exist, but it does not. It can’t, for it is nothing and therefore cannot produce anything.

But let’s say that it could produce something. How would it be able to accomplish such a feat? Would it use its nothingness to bind non-existent elements together to form new ones? No, it can’t. It is nothing.

When scientists explain that there was a “big bang” and from that all that we know originated, what they are saying is that the 30×30 square of nothing above was the prognosticator and author for all things. But how could an empty 30×30 square plan, order, and produce anything? It can’t. It is a 30×30 square of nothing.

“But wait” you say, the nothingness that science attributes the “big bang” to is far larger than this 30×30 empty square! Really? If you have nothing, there is no size to it, it is nothing. Nothing is defined as “something that is nonexistent”. Nothing cannot exist, the very name means the absence of anything.


So, while the 30×30 pixel square above is tiny, it is still bigger than nothing, and nothing is what science has convinced many, many people over eons of time is the actual start of all things.

I would suggest to you that science makes some VERY non-scientific claims. A society that can study the earth, rocks, space, and society can tell us so much about what they see based on testing and observation. But then with that very observation, they make statements that simply cannot be true, and oppose all laws that they adhere to.

Creation is all around us. Each spring plants grow from seeds, produced by their parents. I am a product of creation. My mother and father each had a biological role to play in my birth, but it was the process of creation that bore me. Animals bear young, creation. Trees bear fruit that becomes seed, to grow young trees, creation. Wind moves moisture, moisture creates clouds, clouds produce rain, rain produces life, life, produces more live. Creation.

For whatever reason, science can see the power of creation. They see the miracles of DNA and how these basic strands of code in our genes make us who we are, and make all live as it is, was, and shall be. But science will lead us to believe in what is impossible so they won’t have to acknowledge that their is a Creator.

So back to the square…


If indeed a 30×30 square of nothing is where all things erupted in a “big bang” without cause or possibilities of existence, then let’s play along…

According to Wikipedia, our observable universe is 93 billion light years across. A light year is about 6,000,000,000,000 miles x 93,000,000,000, so our little 30×30 pixel square above was responsible for all of the observable universe.

In that observable universe there are at least some 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars! Our sun is said to be one of the smaller stars, and each star has a solar system of its own, as part of a galaxy, and there are said to be between 100-200,000,000,000 galaxies in the observable universe.

Next, take earth, our home. The earth is 24,901 miles in circumference. Within that area are rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, oceans, mountains, glaciers, hills, plains, forests, and plains. Most humans are born, go to school, live, and die within just a fraction of the land mass of our planet.

Science tells us that our universe is expanding, and even our solar system and galaxy are hurtling through space all from a common starting point. But how small of a starting point? How about a 30×30 pixel square? That is nothing. There is no size to nothing.


When you look around you, do you see something from nothing? Or do you see something from a very powerful force.

God is invisible to us. So all that He created would appear to have come from nothing. Just like our 30×30 pixel square. But when you introduce God as the source for all that is, He becomes Something, not nothing.

So is science actually affirming that God exists? Whether they would say yes or not, there is no way (scientifically or otherwise) that so much could come from nothing – unless behind that nothing was Something, God.

Psalm 19:1 – “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork.”


You don’t have to believe that God exists, but if you don’t, then you believe in something that is simply impossible: nothing made everything. If that sounds ridiculous, reconsider God and the hidden mysteries of the Bible.

You are not nothing. You are something. You are someone. You were not created by nothing, but Someone. God.

God > Nothing – God > Everything