Four Things We Must Watch Out For

Today Marvin Eads was back with us and shared his lesson entitled, “Four Things We Must Watch Out For”. What are those four things? Could it be opportunities to serve Christ by teaching the lost or restoring the fallen? Can forgetting that condemn us? How can we serve and/or teach...

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Roger talked about ants on November 14th for his lesson! Yes, ANTS! But why? The very first slide of his lesson shows us why. Proverbs 6:6-11 uses the ant to show humanity how lazy they can be when the tiny ant accomplishes SO MUCH! But how does the ant factor...

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The Shift

On June 13th, Roger delivered a lesson on “The Shift” focusing on the baseball defensive strategy of moving fielders to where the batter is most likely to hit based on data. The lesson goes all the way back to Ted Williams, whom the shift was first done to, as he...

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God Sees

Roger presented the lessons today, in our “5th Sunday” lesson format where we combine songs and scriptures with a theme for our 1st assembly followed by a short invitation. Then for our 2nd assembly, we do a full lesson on the same theme. Today’s theme was “God Sees”. If you...

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Learning from Mistakes and Failures

One of the most difficult things in being (or trying to be) a Christian is in Learning from Mistakes and Failures that occur in our lives so often. Roger’s lessons today begin with a LOT of history of nations, leaders, businesses, and inventors making mistakes. Some simply don’t pay attention...

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