I Stand Amazed

Waynesville member, Glendon Lamb’s niece Vicky Yocum’s son, Samuel has been growing into a good song leader and preacher as he has grown. Today he joined us to deliver his lesson entitled, “I Stand Amazed”. He did an exceptional job preparing and delivering his lesson! His mom, dad, and relatives...

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Tell Me the Story of Jesus

Our normal guest preacher for the first Sunday of the month is no longer able to be with us, as he took a preaching job with a congregation in Kentucky! We are very happy for him! So Roger Starnes, Jr. worked with Kyle and Jenna on a mix of passages...

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Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet

Cody’s lessons today were from Psalm 119:105. Per his first slide, we can see two things… One, that the psalmist is meditating on God’s Word and thinking about different uses of the Word of God in the faithful person’s life. Two, how does the Word of God give direction in...

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Once again, July had 5 Sundays in the month, so our worship service today was a mix of song, scriptures, and lessons focused on one Person, Jesus. The first assembly was a sort of overview of Jesus. The second lesson takes a more direct look at just WHO Jesus is....

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Musical Instruments in Worship

Cody gave the lessons today, and his were on Musical Instruments in Worship. What does the bible say about music in worship? Can we read about music in old testament worship of God? If we can, why can’t we have it in the new testament church? What changed? Why are...

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Ben Berry presented our lessons today. Our current bible study in the adult class discussed the authority of Christ today, and it just happened that Authority is exactly what Ben spoke about. He made some excellent points about authority and law. How laws without authority are moot, and without law...

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