Four Things We Must Watch Out For

Today Marvin Eads was back with us and shared his lesson entitled, “Four Things We Must Watch Out For”. What are those four things? Could it be opportunities to serve Christ by teaching the lost or restoring the fallen? Can forgetting that condemn us? How can we serve and/or teach...

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The Shift

On June 13th, Roger delivered a lesson on “The Shift” focusing on the baseball defensive strategy of moving fielders to where the batter is most likely to hit based on data. The lesson goes all the way back to Ted Williams, whom the shift was first done to, as he...

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All-In or All-Out + 3 Good Things

Alan Beck joined us today to share some great ideas that we can all use towards our growth and rejuvenation as Christians. The first lesson titled “All-In or All-Out” starts off talking about an infamous football player who could not decide if he was going to be a player or...

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Baseball Pitches

Three Strikes

Roger presented two lessons very close and personal to himself, as they covered both of his motorcycle accidents in the past several years. As he looks back at those events and what happened to he and his property, he shares with the listeners how we must take note of the...

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