Three Strikes

Jose Francisco Morales
Photo by Jose Francisco Morales of Unsplash

Roger presented two lessons very close and personal to himself, as they covered both of his motorcycle accidents in the past several years. As he looks back at those events and what happened to he and his property, he shares with the listeners how we must take note of the events in our lives and make changes when necessary. That can happen in both the physical world but can happen in the spiritual world just the same. Which is more important? Those who are not focused on spiritual things will surely say the focus should be our physical life! But those of us who see past the body and flesh know that what each of us has within is far more important than flesh and bone, our soul.

Recordings from both lessons are below, along with slides from both lessons. Do note that Waynesville had a short power outage mid-way through his second lesson. So if the audio is confusing, that is the reason. If you have questions or comments on the lessons, please contact Roger by using our website contact page, or by going to our Facebook page and asking there. Thanks!

Three Strikes – Starnes, lesson 1

Three Strikes – Starnes, lesson 2

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