The Power of Doubt – Part 1

Waynesville member, Ryan Mortland shares the first part of his two-part lesson today entitled, “The Power of Doubt”. He begins by noting how many of us tell ourselves things like, I don‘t deserve this, or I‘m afraid I‘ll mess up, or I‘ll never succeed, or I’m not good enough, or...

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Worldly Pursuits

Today, Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. provided his lesson entitled, “Worldly Pursuits” and began showing what John tells us in 1 John 2:15-17. The lesson begins with what we tend to find “beautiful”… people, cars, houses, fame, power, or wealth. How can we defeat this human trait? By focusing on...

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Finding Peace

Waynesville member, Roger Starnes Jr., presented the lesson today, entitled, “Finding Peace”. He begins the lesson looking back to the lessons taught by fellow member Brad Beckett on Wednesday nights for our mid-week study where he’s been going over the sacrificial worship of the Jews in the Old Testament. Things...

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Be Like Christ

Alan Beck joined us today and began his lesson looking at a famous advertising campaign featuring Michael Jordan, in the Be Like Mike Gatorade ads. He spun to his lesson title, “Be Like Christ”. Alan begins his lesson with a passage that many of you have likely heard sung as...

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A Little Leaven

Cody Cain joins us today after moving his Sunday around this month to accommodate us moving our “5th Sunday Singing” around due to vacation schedules. Today his lesson was on “Leaven”. What is this lesson about? You can find out by listening to the MP3 below and/or following along with...

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Being Transformed by the Renewing of Our Mind

Marvin Eads was with us today, and the lesson that he shared with us was entitled, “Being Transformed by the Renewing of Our Mind”. What is this transformation that is supposed to take place? How does it work? What does it do? How does our mind factor into this? Marvin...

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