The Root, Vine, and Tares

Abe and Roger shared lessons today on roots, vines, and tares! Abe presented his lesson first, focusing on the vines, roots, and branches of Israel, Christ, and how God’s people were (and are) a part of that life-giving plant. Roger presented the second lesson focusing on the Vine and tares,...

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The Kingdom of the Lord

Our last ‘5th Sunday’ lesson of 2013 was titled, “The Kingdom”. Abe highlights the role we have as Christians with our God and Christ in Their kingdom. Who are we subject to? Who do we have as our leaders? Whom do we obey? God set-up His Kingdom for us so...

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The Book of 1 Peter

Just as we do each first Sunday of the month, the lessons summarize a book of the Bible. This Sunday Abe does an excellent job covering the book of 1 Peter. Just as Abe begins the lessons, Peter is a bible character we all have something in common with. He...

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The Early Church

Roger and Abe gave lessons this week on “The Early Church”. In each, they take an in-depth look at the early converts and workers in the church to see what they did, how they grew, and the rewards and penalties for success and failure. Don’t feel like you have much...

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The Church and the Kingdom

Abe’s first lesson for today was on “The Church”. His second lesson was on “The Kingdom”. Both lessons combined show the difference and similarities of each of these terms. He takes us throughout the Bible to note passages to show the importance of knowing the roles of each and how...

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