The Book of 1 Peter

Just as we do each first Sunday of the month, the lessons summarize a book of the Bible. This Sunday Abe does an excellent job covering the book of 1 Peter. Just as Abe begins the lessons, Peter is a bible character we all have something in common with. He was a first responder, and a loving disciple. He was a husband, a brother, a fisherman, and one who fought with his humanity. He was indeed the “key” to the kingdom Christ predicted and planned for. He first opened the door to the Jews, then to the Gentiles. He was an elder and a writer of 3 of the most beloved books of the New Testament.

Hope you can listen, download, or share!

Recordings of both lessons can be heard by clicking the link below. If you would like to have an outline of either lesson, please use our Contact page to let us know what lesson you want a copy for.

