
Former Waynesville member, Cody Cain spoke for the congregation today in delivering a lesson on “Elkanah”. He began the lesson by looking at the great responsibilities that fathers have. He also notes that so many of us have failed to teach or lead our kids or families as we should....

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Roger, Sr. gave his lesson today on Superstitions. Are you or a friend or family member superstitious? Maybe this lesson has some things in it you or they are cautious about? You can hear the lesson and see what Roger has to share below! Superstitions – Starnes, Sr. *Photo by...

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Courage Lesson and India Work Update

Today former member, Cody Cain visited us with his wife to deliver a lesson on Courage. Cody’s lesson begins by looking at why many shy away from evangelism these days and why it is still needed and expected by God. He notes what Jesus said that if we are ashamed...

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There’s a Verse for That

Pulling from the marketing for mobile devices and their many apps, Kyle takes the slogan, “There’s an App for that” and has tweaked it for his lesson today! Parents often wish they had an app to help them with raising children. Some apps can help you find parked cars, do...

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In Cody’s lesson today on “Hope” he begins by looking at Colossians 1:21-23 where Paul rejoices in his sufferings for the Colossian church’s sake. Paul had many sufferings himself. But he notes that these sufferings were useful to him to be a servant. Paul also reminds the church in Colossae...

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