
Waynesville member, Roger Starnes, Jr. shares his lesson entitled, “Timing” using the scripture from Ecclesiastes 3 as his focus. While not focusing on the words of this passage so much, Roger chose images specifically based on the topics being discussed. While chapter 3 begins with noting, “To everything, there is...

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Depending on God Alone

Today, brother Marvin Eads joined us for his monthly lesson at Waynesville where he shared a lesson on “Depending on God Alone”. His beginning passage was from Psalms 104:27-30. His lesson noted that depending on God was basic to the Christian, and that we depend on him for salvation, wisdom,...

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What Was Done at Capernaum

Mike Grushon, from the West Carrollton congregation, joined us again today, sharing his lesson entitled, “What Was Done at Capernaum”. Curious? You can listen to his lesson by clicking on the button below, download the MP3, and/or view the slides from his lesson below. Recording: Capernaum – Grushon

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Forgive One Another + Hurt

Broc gave the lessons for us today and talked about how we can best Forgive One Another and what it means to Hurt. Both lessons share one PPT slide presentation and while his first lesson was intended to go one way, he pulled a story from the headlines to talk...

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Bitter and Sweet

Roger’s lessons for toady were titled “Bitter and Sweet”. The lessons begin with an act of God as the children of Israel are leaving Egypt and complain about a lack of water. The method God chooses to have Moses make the bitter water sweet segues into the lessons. The first...

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