Forgive One Another + Hurt

Broc gave the lessons for us today and talked about how we can best Forgive One Another and what it means to Hurt. Both lessons share one PPT slide presentation and while his first lesson was intended to go one way, he pulled a story from the headlines to talk about a notable example of true forgiveness.

Both lessons are both encouraging, but also a warning for us to not let things get beyond recovery in our lives. As the Bible discusses, try not to let the sun go down on your (or my) wrath (Ephesians 4:26). So even when we get frustrated or are grouchy, we need to be sure we handle ourselves properly and treat others the way the Bible teaches not how we humans want to act. The second lesson also discusses the feelings of hurt and how they affect everyone.

Lessons and slides below. Questions or comments? Please reach out to us and we’ll be more than happy to talk to you about the lessons, scripture used, or getting to know the church the Bible speaks of.

Forgive One Another – Begley, lesson 1

Hurt – Begley, part 2

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