
Former Waynesville member, Cody Cain spoke for the congregation today in delivering a lesson on “Elkanah”. He began the lesson by looking at the great responsibilities that fathers have. He also notes that so many of us have failed to teach or lead our kids or families as we should....

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Multiplied Abundance + Open Our Eyes

Jonathan Compton was our guest speaker today, and he shared lessons on “Multiplied Abundance” from Mark chapter 6, and a second lesson titled “Open Our Eyes”. The take-away from both lessons are we have SO much when God is with us, and that with God and Christ, even the infirmaties...

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The Gospel

Mark 1:1-3 – “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.   As it is written in the Prophets: “Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.  The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the...

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Life – the Gift of God

Everyone loves gifts! Some gifts come with no responsibilities.  Examples: Money, Toy, Coffee Cup, etc. Some gifts have some responsibilities attached.  Examples: Vehicle, Pet, Property, etc. There are some responsibilities with God’s gifts. God has blessed us with so many gifts that it is like the song we sing, “Count...

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A Father’s Blessing

What is a “blessing” to you? Is it something you get, is it what you say when  you are about to have a meal? Is a “blessing” both? Abe’s lessons from today take us back to the Old Testament as the focus for our subject and the discussion. What exactly...

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