Focus, Relax, and Trust in God + Mindfulness

How many of us have ever gone to a class, seminar, or conference and found ourselves completely distracted by the next class, work needs, or lunch? I’d say probably most of us! That is just where Kyle Jones began his first lesson to the congregation today, reflecting to being in...

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Letting God Lead

Roger pulled together scriptures, songs, and prepared thoughts for two lessons today as we had yet another 5th Sunday. Today the theme was “Letting God Lead”. Too often we ask God for help, or to intervene, but we don’t follow the path of most of the men and women of...

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Improper and Proper Fear

When October comes around, it seems that all the movies at the theaters are about spooky things, things that scare us, things we are afraid of, things we fear. When it comes to our spiritual selves, what do we really fear? What SHOULD we fear? Abe’s lessons from today help...

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Psalm 31:19-24 – “Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men! You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the...

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Proper Fear

Have you ever had a dream about something that really scared you? Sometimes we have nightmares that stick with us for years, even life! October is the time of year that many are going to haunted houses to be startled by the unexpected, or to (willingly) go see things that...

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