Proper Fear

Have you ever had a dream about something that really scared you? Sometimes we have nightmares that stick with us for years, even life! October is the time of year that many are going to haunted houses to be startled by the unexpected, or to (willingly) go see things that are creepy because they WANT to be frightened!

The old testament prophet Ezekiel had a vision of something that was very frightening, something like he had never seen, or likely could have imagined. It was not a haunted house, and he was not looking for it. But as horrific and amazing as what he witnessed was, he saw something even greater that truly was AWESOME!

Find out what Ezekiel saw, what the ramifications were of this vision, and WHO it was that he fell on his face for.

  • See Ezekiel chapters 1-3 ( is not a site we support or sponsor, but they do provide an excellent resource for online Bible access in many translations, and for that we appreciate their work, and often share access to their site for reference – just be wary of some of the content on their site)

Recordings of both lessons can be heard below:

Proper Fear – Martin, part 1

Proper Fear – Martin, part 2