Why Preach?

Leading up to our gospel meeting coming upĀ  on May 7-10, 2014, Abe’s subject for the lessons today asked a simple question, WHY PREACH? Good question. Why would we want to preach? Don’t most folks know that the general public is not very receptive to the Bible or the teachings...

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Lessons on Encouragement

Roger and Kyle split the lessons today on different views on the theme of ‘encouragement’. Roger took the first lesson and focused on creation, and the universe as we know it. In the lesson, he focused on the diversity and size (small and large) of all that exists – from...

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Getting the Word Out – John 1 & Hebrews 4:12

Abe and Roger Split the lessons today. Roger did lesson one as an expository on the first chapter of John focusing on “Getting the Word Out”. Many Bible lessons and sermons gravitate to this great chapter, but a deeper look into it brings out so much more! From the Word,...

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