Songs and Singing

Abe’s lessons for today were on Songs and Singing. Abe asks the question, ‘do we sing in church because we like to sing, or songs?’ Well, we may indeed like the songs we sing, but there is more to singing when we are gathered in worship to God than making...

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Florida College at Camp Kern

Just a reminder that Florida College camp week will begin Sunday morning, June 8th. So for all of our members, that means lots of visitors, no classes in lieu of singing (worth visiting just to hear the singing), then a mass exodus of parents, family, and campers heading to Camp...

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Christian Identity and Worship

Kyle and Cody shared the lessons today while Abe was at Bath Road doing a meeting there. Both men gave lessons on “Christians”. Kyle talked about “Christian Identity” and how this factored into a recent trip to Washing D.C. The importance of our Christian identity and why we should be...

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Times of Refreshing

These days, we all live in VERY busy times. There are demands from our family, our jobs, and our friends. We have kids in sports, houses to care for, clothes to wash/fold, yards to mow, cars and trucks to care for… In the middle of all the things we have...

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Abe was on task this past Sunday with 2 lessons on Mothers (on Mother’s Day)! The lesson started out with the name given to Eve, or ‘mother of all living’ taken from Genesis 3:20. From there, he illustrated the importance of mothers to all of us, even those of us...

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Why Preach?

Leading up to our gospel meeting coming upĀ  on May 7-10, 2014, Abe’s subject for the lessons today asked a simple question, WHY PREACH? Good question. Why would we want to preach? Don’t most folks know that the general public is not very receptive to the Bible or the teachings...

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