The People Had a Mind to Work

Abe’s lessons today are a reminder to us on how things get done, especially when things need some help. We can read about the children of Israel and see that they did indeed have a mind to work (at times) and this mindset is what helped them achieve their goals spiritually.

Today we see the world going sour very fast. People ignoring God, calling sin “good” and promoting all sorts of evil. This is not new. It has happened many times before. So how has it subsided in times past? One, God controls all things, and at times He has intervened. Two, God’s people have risen up to take a stand and focus on pleasing their God, and have made change happen.

Recordings from Abe’s lessons are below. Click to listen, or download and listen when you can.

The People Had a Mind to Work, Martin, part 1

The People Had a Mind to Work, Martin, part 2