Spiritual Growth

The last few lessons we’ve posted have focused on growing and planning as Christians. Today’s lessons by Abe focus on obtaining GROWTH as we set out to accomplish our plans. It has been said (and was mentioned yesterday) that there is no “idle” in a church. Either a church is...

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Religion, Democracy, and Law

I got the video below from a sister at our congregation and liked it enough to share it on our site. Her husband had shared it with her and others. It is refreshing to see folks in society admit that much of what our nation was built on, even if...

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Abe’s lessons on Sunday were on the book of Job, but from a different perspective than what you may have studied or heard before. In the lessons, the book is broken down into parts, and those parts are used to teach us a lesson in human behavior, righteousness, judging, misjudging,...

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Spiritual Planning

Abe and Kyle shared lessons on December 28th and both gave lessons that dealt with making plans, specifically spiritual plans. Abe focused on reasons for the congregation making plans going into 2015, and how we want to grow as a church. Kyle’s lesson outlined the importance of making plans for...

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We all face choices every day. Do we sleep in? Do we get up? What do we eat for breakfast? What do we wear to work? What do we do after work. Then there are the bigger choices, who do we date? Who do we marry? Where will we live?...

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“Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house,...

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