Rejoice in Your Youth

rejoice-youthOur Sunday lessons were focused on our young. After worship and class, we met at Abe and Linda’s home for a carry-in meal with members of the congregation, then we had a teen devotional. Abe’s lessons both led up to the devotional talk, where he talked about youth, the things we face (then and now) and how peer pressure and doing what God wants over what the world expects has not changed. Trying to become the men and women God wants us to be requires work by parents and child alike.

We all have youth around us who struggle with faith and with life. Focusing on the first can help with the second. But we’ll never have things go our way all the time. Learning to dig-in and be ready for opposition is so important.

Abe’s lessons can be heard by clicking on the two buttons below. Listen, download, share, or review.

Rejoice in Your Youth – Martin, part 1

Rejoice in Your Youth – Martin, part 2