How Will I Be Remembered?

How will I be remembered?Throughout the history of Biblical text, we can read of men and women who literally changed the course of history. Some made positive changes, many made negative changes to history, and all have led us to where we are today.

Each of us have good and bad qualities with our personalities and our actions. Each day we have a chance to do good for our fellow man/woman, and to show Christ’s example, or we can just get by and do nothing to profit those around us for good.

Abe’s lessons yesterday take us into our lives by looking at the lives of some of the key figures throughout the Bible. Who they were, how they acted, what their convictions were, and what the results were.

While we may never be an Abraham, a Noah, or a Joseph, we can try to embody some of their best attributes and try to loose the ones we have that are not helping us climb the narrow path to heave.

Recordings of both of Abe’s lessons are below. Please take a moment to listen to them, or download for your study, devotion, or sharing with others. How you’ll be remembered may just depend on what you do next…

How Will I Be Remembered? – Martin, part 1

How Will I Be Remembered? – Martin, part 2