Baseball Pitches

Three Strikes

Roger presented two lessons very close and personal to himself, as they covered both of his motorcycle accidents in the past several years. As he looks back at those events and what happened to he and his property, he shares with the listeners how we must take note of the...

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Fault Lines

A subject that Roger has had on his mind for some time is the idea of “Fault Lines”. Like the earth, we humans have fractures and cracks in our personalities, our minds, and in our spiritual lives. These are hidden areas of risk that can, in the right moment, unleash...

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Learning from Mistakes and Failures

One of the most difficult things in being (or trying to be) a Christian is in Learning from Mistakes and Failures that occur in our lives so often. Roger’s lessons today begin with a LOT of history of nations, leaders, businesses, and inventors making mistakes. Some simply don’t pay attention...

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Past Present and Future

For the past several years, the church at Waynesville has been planning and building at our new location on Corwin Avenue. Today’s lessons discuss the effort and time put into our plans to see our goals accomplished accordingly. Another part of the lessons is looking back to when the same...

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Like a Tree Planted By the Water + Holding On

Cody and Roger shared lessons today with both lessons on how to sustain and maintain life. Cody gave the first lesson on “Like a Tree Planted By the Water” and spoke of the importance of the water and how a tree lives in difficult situations. Roger followed with lesson two...

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