Lessons on Faith

Embed from Getty Images The church at Waynesville is VERY fortunate in that we have so many well-educated men and women who have spent years in knowing and understanding the Bible. Brad Beckett is certainly one of those who has spent a good portion of his life learning the depths...

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God’s Power to Save

A few months ago, our preacher Abe Martin was invited to go with member Cody Cain to India to work with a preacher there named Prem whom Cody had been friends with for some time. Over the past several years, the growth in the church in India has been substantial...

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Holding a Charge + Tapping into Power

Kyle and Roger consulted ideas for this week’s lessons, and Kyle described a lesson he’d been working on based on batteries and how we perceive them. The main focus was that some batteries can be very large, but are not so powerful, or are quickly depleted. Where other batteries can...

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Links in the Chain

The lessons from Kyle and Roger this week were titled “Links in the Chain”. Both lessons were an expository lesson on the verses from Matthew chapter 10. The lessons begin with the words of Christ from Matthew chapter 28 where he gives his Apostles their Great Commission, a directive by...

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In the Beginning – Our Identity

Embed from Getty Images Cody took us ‘back to school’, or to a school of higher learning, today as we looked at the name(s) of God. We looked at how God was referred to by the writers of the Bible, and how the words for God, Lord, Jehovah, etc. are...

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Embed from Getty Images Matthew 25:14-30 (NKJV) – “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according...

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