Roger talked about ants on November 14th for his lesson! Yes, ANTS! But why? The very first slide of his lesson shows us why. Proverbs 6:6-11 uses the ant to show humanity how lazy they can be when the tiny ant accomplishes SO MUCH!
But how does the ant factor into the story of vigilance? Roger uses a number of synonyms and antonyms of the word vigilance to look at scripture that matches those words. Words of action and words of inaction.
Synonyms for vigilance such as: alertness, caution, diligence, surveillance, acuity, attention, attentiveness, circumspection, lookout, observance, vigil, and watch.
Antonyms for vigilance such as: indifference, neglect, carelessness, impulsiveness, indiscretion, and negligence. Roger even talked about Vigilance Committees and what they were.
Roger wrapped the lesson up by looking at two passages that he felt showed how well Jesus demonstrated vigilance to His disciples and to us today…
Mark 14:32-42 and Mark 16:1-20
How do all these factor into the lesson? Listen to the recording below, or download it to your device and see! You can also view the slides of the presentation. If you have questions or comments, please reach out to us on Facebook or on our website.
Lesson: Vigilance – Starnes