Time Lessons

I can tell you, that when you do a lesson on time,  getting folks to pay attention to that term sort of takes on a life of its own! Since working on, and presenting the lesson I did last Sunday, I have stopped myself many times when I said or...

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My Life – A Life of Choices

Our entire lives, beginning before we are born, is typically a life of choices that effect who we are or who we’ll become. These choices may be asking a young man or woman out on a first date that leads to marriage and our birth. It may be a choice...

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We all face choices every day. Do we sleep in? Do we get up? What do we eat for breakfast? What do we wear to work? What do we do after work. Then there are the bigger choices, who do we date? Who do we marry? Where will we live?...

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Closing the Barn Door

“Close the barn door!” Ever heard that expression? I’m sure most of us who have been around a farm, or are of a certain age have heard this phrase a time or two. So why would this phrase be so popular and long-lasting? It just makes sense. If you have...

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Christian Identity and Worship

Kyle and Cody shared the lessons today while Abe was at Bath Road doing a meeting there. Both men gave lessons on “Christians”. Kyle talked about “Christian Identity” and how this factored into a recent trip to Washing D.C. The importance of our Christian identity and why we should be...

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