Closing the Barn Door

“Close the barn door!” Ever heard that expression? I’m sure most of us who have been around a farm, or are of a certain age have heard this phrase a time or two. So why would this phrase be so popular and long-lasting?

It just makes sense. If you have farm animals and your barn is where they are kept, if the door is opened (or can be opened by smart animals) it is very likely that the animals will get out. Once they are out, it is very difficult to put them back! Worse, while you are chasing down some of the escapees, others are likely taking advantage of the situation and breaking out too!

So how does this work into a couple Bible lessons? We live in a culture where keeping things locked down based on Bible authority is constantly being challenged. The boundaries of what is allowed and what is not allowed are being pulled on from every direction, sometimes even pushed from behind (in the church).

On a recent visit out of town, Abe found many practices in some churches that they visited were being done in ways that good tradition (those given by the writers of the New Testament) were being replaced by traditions that were not authorized by God. As Abe points out in these lessons, the idea of letting the barn door open, or not keeping it closed, can certainly happen in the church.

To listen to the lessons, click the buttons below and then adjust the volume, or press the download button to save the lessons to your computer. Have a question or catch an error in the readings? Let us know. Comment below or use our Contact button.

Closing the Barn Door – Martin, part 1

Closing the Barn Door – Martin, part 2