Reflection & Resolution

Marvin Eads, from the Haynes Street congregation, joins us again this month and shares a lesson entitled, “Reflection & Resolution” which focuses on Haggai 1:3-11. Marvin begins by asking himself and us in attendance, at the end of 2024, is our faith stronger or weaker than the year(s) before? He...

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Holy Spirit Worship

Nathan Hall is also a newer speaker for us at Waynesville, and today he shared a lesson entitled, “Holy Spirit Worship” where he asks is this still a legitimate way to worship today and is is scriptural? The next point is the origination point for where this type of worship...

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Finding Peace

Waynesville member, Roger Starnes Jr., presented the lesson today, entitled, “Finding Peace”. He begins the lesson looking back to the lessons taught by fellow member Brad Beckett on Wednesday nights for our mid-week study where he’s been going over the sacrificial worship of the Jews in the Old Testament. Things...

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Today, Cody Cain of the Evandale church of Christ joins us to share his own lesson on Hezekiah. You can hear what Cody has to share about this man who did much for God, but also was a man like many of us are. You can hear his lesson and...

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Worship and Class Schedule Updates

Clarification on the Waynesville assembly schedule… We’ll be meeting on Sunday morning for worship, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. (sharing via Zoom). We’ll also be doing our Wednesday night classes via Zoom until further notice. We are trying to be careful of COVID concerns while maintaining worship to God for all who...

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Today, Cody talks about warnings (specifically from Paul). First Paul warns about the error and improper worship as well as improper judgment we humans tend to use. He also warns against judging food, drink, or festivals. While some of these things were part of the Jewish system, they were only...

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