Reaping What We Sow – Family

Galatians 6:7-10 – “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let...

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Ready? Set? Go!

Roger and Abe split the lessons this past weekend with lessons on where we’ve come, where we are, where we stand, and now the work ahead. Titles are “Ready? Set? Go!”. A great couple lessons for moving forward with the work of the church here at Waynesville, and for ALL...

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Today, January 10th, 2016, the Waynesville Church of Christ had the pleasure of beginning the day in our NEW BUILDING! Classes and the worship service all went very smoothly for our first assembly! MANY people were up late again last night – even into the morning working on getting all...

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New Building Progress – 11/27/15

Some updated photos on the new building as of November 27th, 2015 – photos courtesy of Cody Cain below (thanks!). Slightly larger images can be viewed if you click on each image, just be sure to press your back button to return.

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Who I Am Makes a Difference

Have you ever wondered “what if”? We often ask ourselves this question when we hear bad news about people we love who have done things to themselves – even taking their own lives! People can get so depressed or feel like their situation has no feasible end, and plan to...

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Abe and Kyle split this past Sunday’s lessons, focusing on Teamwork. The very fact they teamed-up to do the lessons was a sign that they knew what they were talking about! Abe lead off talking about the importance of team work to accomplish things, and and both men noted how...

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