Listening Generously

Alan Beck from the West Carrollton, OH church, was able to be with us again this month and his topic was “Listening Generously”, a topic he picked up from a work event recently. What does that mean? Here’s what he had to say… Our level of quality listening is often...

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Today, Waynesville member Roger Starnes shared his lesson entitled “Milestones”. Roger grew up in Vandalia, OH where the U.S. National Road runs through still today. The lesson began with a focus on landmarks and the history of them including some local ones. Then Roger looks at some milestones in our...

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The Narrow Way

Cody Cain brought a preview to a lesson he hopes to share at camp coming up soon on “The Narrow Way” where he focuses on asking how we can enter the kingdom of heaven? What we think are criteria for success is not what God is looking for in His...

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The Model Church + You Got This

Alan Beck visited with us today, presenting two lessons. The first lesson was titled “The Model Church” and focused on the church of Thessalonica and what they were doing right and what they were challenged with. His second lesson was “You Got This!” focusing on how some of the greatest...

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Finding Value in Failure

Ecclesiastes 4:10 ESV – “For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” Today is the day know the world over as “Superbowl Sunday”. So in keeping up with the theme...

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Caleb – God’s Servant

As we get older, life becomes more difficult. We have aches and pains that we did not have or got over quickly when we were younger. Age usually makes physical things more of a challenge. Age can make spiritual things more of a challenge as well. We are going to...

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