How Strong is My Faith?

Marvin Eads joined us today and in his lesson, he asked those of us in attendance to answer the question, “How Strong is My Faith?”. How strong is yours? See what Marvin has to share with us and see if we all need more strength? A recording of the lesson...

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The Wise Man

Kyle brings us a lesson from a song that many kids in churches around the world have loved, on the Wise and Foolish men who built their houses on both sand and rocks. What can we learn from this song and this subject today? The same things that Jesus was...

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Jeremy gave a great talk today on Service. At the beginning of the lesson, he noted some of the people in his life who have been strong in God’s Word and strong in the service of God.

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Here in the Real World

Today, Alan began his lesson in Hebrews 11 talking about the the “Hall of Faith” as we often refer to it. Individuals from the Bible who did more of what God asked of them than many before or after them. Others are listed in that chapter who were unwilling to...

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Five Components of Faithful Christian Living

On September 26th, Mike Grushon presented a lesson on, “Five Components of Faithful Christian Living”. What are these 5 components to be a faithful Christian and truly live? You can hear the details of his 5 points were based on the ordered list below… Be on the Alert! Stand Firm...

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Courage Lesson and India Work Update

Today former member, Cody Cain visited us with his wife to deliver a lesson on Courage. Cody’s lesson begins by looking at why many shy away from evangelism these days and why it is still needed and expected by God. He notes what Jesus said that if we are ashamed...

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