The Kingdom of the Lord

Our last ‘5th Sunday’ lesson of 2013 was titled, “The Kingdom”. Abe highlights the role we have as Christians with our God and Christ in Their kingdom. Who are we subject to? Who do we have as our leaders? Whom do we obey? God set-up His Kingdom for us so...

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2 Peter

Abe’s lesson for today was a make-up lesson for our normal 1st Sunday lessons using books of the Bible. The book for today was 2nd Peter. Most folks find something about Peter that is very much like themselves. First to jump into action, too quick to respond, devoted, afraid, strong,...

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God’s Complete Plan of Salvation – Part 5

What must mankind do to be saved? In our first four lessons on salvation, we’ve looked at hearing, believing, repenting and confessing Christ. Let’s now focus on baptism as the final step in obeying the gospel. Baptism Baptism is one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented topics in all of...

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The Book of 1 Peter

Just as we do each first Sunday of the month, the lessons summarize a book of the Bible. This Sunday Abe does an excellent job covering the book of 1 Peter. Just as Abe begins the lessons, Peter is a bible character we all have something in common with. He...

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One Church – Part 2

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “I will build My church.”  The Lord refers to Himself as the “bridegroom” (Matthew 9:15; Mark 2:19, 20; Luke 5:34, 35). Both Paul and Peter refer to the Lord as the “head” or “chief corner stone of the church” (Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6, 7)....

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