
Ephesians 1

Roger’s lesson today began as a different study, but due to the number of times his other lesson came back to the first chapter of Ephesians, he just decided to do a lesson on that! He also decided to do an expository lesson on this chapter. But instead of doing...

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Today, Cody talks about warnings (specifically from Paul). First Paul warns about the error and improper worship as well as improper judgment we humans tend to use. He also warns against judging food, drink, or festivals. While some of these things were part of the Jewish system, they were only...

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In Cody’s lesson today on “Hope” he begins by looking at Colossians 1:21-23 where Paul rejoices in his sufferings for the Colossian church’s sake. Paul had many sufferings himself. But he notes that these sufferings were useful to him to be a servant. Paul also reminds the church in Colossae...

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Christ Our Hope

Lesson by Cody Cain on September 20th, 2020 taken from Colossians chapter 1, verses 21-23. Quoting from the start of his PowerPoint presentation, “In verses 15-20, Paul stated twelve theological principles that make Christ the one in whom the Colossians Christians should place their faith. Now in verses 21-23 he...

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Romans – Salvation by the System of Faith

Sunday, May 31st was our first worship service since the stay-at-home order went out in mid-March to try to protect Ohio residents from the COVID-19 virus. So much has happened since those early days, it seems like it was long ago. We’ve had many lose jobs, many have to close...

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