The Relation in Christ + How Has Doubt Arisen Among Christians

Jim Grushon visited us again this month in his continuing study of the book of Romans. As has been shared previously, this study is not the same path that Jim has been on for much of his life. He is re-thinking the book of Romans and not from a personal view but from the context of the book itself, the people and history in the book and the writer and times.

We hope that you will enjoy these two lessons! The first lesson is taking a look at “The Relation in Christ” and the second lesson is where Jim asks, “How Has Doubt Arisen Among Christians?

Recordings of both lessons are below. Please listen, review, share, and study as you look at the scriptures that Jim shares with us.

Lesson One: The Relation in Christ

The Relation in Christ

Lesson Two: How Has Doubt Arisen Among Christians
How Has Doubt Arisen Among Christians

*Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash