What Does the Bible Say About Itself?

West Carrollton, Ohio preacher and teacher, Mike Grushon joins us today to share his lesson entitled, “What Does the Bible Tell Us About Itself?” He begins in showing that scripture claims to be the Word of God. He shows that the Apostle Paul declares from 1 Corinthians chapter 2 that...

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Press On!

Visiting preacher, Mike Grushon shared his lesson with us this month, entitled “Press On!” using scripture from Philippians 3:12-17 talking about the value of TRUE discipleship. The importance of “pressing on” is made very clear by the Apostle Paul in this text. What does Paul mean my saying that he...

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Wisdom and Knowledge

For August, Roger Jr. chose to do his lesson about “Wisdom & Knowledge” after some lesson topic requests from his wife, Patty. Roger noted that no matter how “smart” we feel we are, there is SO MUCH we don’t know, or need to know better. God is simply amazing and...

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Spiritual Vision

Mike Grushon from the West Carrollton congregation joins us again this month and shares his lesson entitled, “Spiritual Vision” with a connection to Proverbs 29:18. He opens with the importance of our physical vision then connects seeing to some passages by Solomon. How can we see things in our lives...

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Alan Beck joins us again today to share a lesson that he calls, “Thorn”. The lesson begins with a conversation from Paul about who he is and what his credentials are from 2 Corinthians 11:21-27. He also shares that he has a secret that he has not shared before. Alan...

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Finding Peace

Waynesville member, Roger Starnes Jr., presented the lesson today, entitled, “Finding Peace”. He begins the lesson looking back to the lessons taught by fellow member Brad Beckett on Wednesday nights for our mid-week study where he’s been going over the sacrificial worship of the Jews in the Old Testament. Things...

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