Like a Tree Planted By the Water + Holding On

Cody and Roger shared lessons today with both lessons on how to sustain and maintain life. Cody gave the first lesson on “Like a Tree Planted By the Water” and spoke of the importance of the water and how a tree lives in difficult situations. Roger followed with lesson two...

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Bible Basics

The more complicated our world seems to get, the more we forget the basics. Sure we can do some amazing things today in our personal, professional, and religious lives with technology and with all the information at hand, but pushing the limits of new accomplishments may mean little if we...

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Abe was on task this past Sunday with 2 lessons on Mothers (on Mother’s Day)! The lesson started out with the name given to Eve, or ‘mother of all living’ taken from Genesis 3:20. From there, he illustrated the importance of mothers to all of us, even those of us...

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Faith and Works

Abe and Cody shared a couple great lessons on Faith and Works on Sunday. Abe gave the first lesson, focusing almost entirely on Hebrews 11 – the New Testament chapter reflecting on great men and women of faith over the course of Biblical history. Cody followed and illustrated the importance...

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What is Man / What is Life Lessons – 08/19/12

Abe’s lesson for today was entitled “What is Man?” taking a look at who mankind is with regard to God’s creation. Kyle’s lesson for today was entitled “What is life?” taking a look at what most people see “life” as, and what God’s word has to say about it. Recordings...

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1 Corinthians Lesson – 03/04/12

Abe’s lessons for today were entitled “1 Corinthians”. A look at this book of the New Testament, to whom it was written, and how we can use it today. Recordings of the lessons can be heard by clicking the links below: 030412-1-corinthians-1 030412-1-corinthians-2

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