
Abe was on task this past Sunday with 2 lessons on Mothers (on Mother’s Day)!

The lesson started out with the name given to Eve, or ‘mother of all living’ taken from Genesis 3:20. From there, he illustrated the importance of mothers to all of us, even those of us with out mothers now. We all had them and we all owe our lives to them.

In his second lesson, Abe notes a few of the things that moms like to say to kids publically. One of note to Abe was “remember who you are”. I saw lots of nods by other members to that one. But it is one of the truest comments that a parent can mention. How many times have we forgotten who we were when out with friends, family, folks from work, or alone? If we are Christians, we are always Christians, and our light is on a hill. Godly moms do a good job reminding us of those things.

Recordings of both lesson can be heard by clicking the link below. Further down you’ll find slides from the Powerpoint to both lessons to use for following the lesson on the audio file. Just hit play on the audio file, and follow along with the slideshow! The black slide about halfway through indicates the break for lesson 2.

Mothers, Martin, part 1

Mothers, Martin, part 2

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