He Might Rescue Us

Mike Grushon shared his lesson with us today entitled, “He Might Rescue Us!” beginning with a focus on Galatians 1:2b-5. What is the “present evil age” that Paul writes about to the Galatian church? What was the immorality and debauchery in Paul’s day? What about idolatry and idol worship? What...

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Ben Berry presented our lessons today. Our current bible study in the adult class discussed the authority of Christ today, and it just happened that Authority is exactly what Ben spoke about. He made some excellent points about authority and law. How laws without authority are moot, and without law...

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Gradual Decline

Abe’s lessons below take us back to the prophets looking at a man who tried to bend the worship of God to better suit his needs, and he did. It was convenient, less of a problem in getting to the appointed worship location, and it seemed to make sense to...

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Roll ’Em! + Science and the Bible

Kyle and Roger shared lessons this past Sunday while Abe was traveling. Roger’s lesson was entitled “Roll ‘Em!” focusing on the old-time video cameras that were being used when Charlie Chaplin’s was acting and producing movies in the early 1920s. The cameraman really had to ‘roll ’em’ to record the...

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