
Abe and Kyle split this past Sunday’s lessons, focusing on Teamwork. The very fact they teamed-up to do the lessons was a sign that they knew what they were talking about! Abe lead off talking about the importance of team work to accomplish things, and and both men noted how...

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Groundbreaking – New Location

The photo above shows our new lot after the driveway (to right past dirt) was dug out and posts were set. I’ve superimposed the posts so you can see them. That is where the building will be going, just west of Pizza Hut and the Dollar General store near SR...

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Spiritual Growth

The last few lessons we’ve posted have focused on growing and planning as Christians. Today’s lessons by Abe focus on obtaining GROWTH as we set out to accomplish our plans. It has been said (and was mentioned yesterday) that there is no “idle” in a church. Either a church is...

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Spiritual Planning

Abe and Kyle shared lessons on December 28th and both gave lessons that dealt with making plans, specifically spiritual plans. Abe focused on reasons for the congregation making plans going into 2015, and how we want to grow as a church. Kyle’s lesson outlined the importance of making plans for...

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The Rising Son & Light Pollution

Abe’s lesson Sunday was entitled “The Rising Son” in which he proceeded to share passages that led to the birth, maturity, and perfection of the Child of Promise, Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel and the world. From God’s pronouncement to Satan in the garden about one crushing Satan’s head,...

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Emotions and Temptations of Christ

Gary and Kyle split the lessons this past Sunday while Abe was taking a break to visit Bill and Kim in the Carolinas. Gary’s lesson was on “Emotions of Christ”, and Kyle’s lesson was titled “Tempted Like Jesus”. Gary focused on Jesus and how He displayed his humanity through emotions...

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