Emotions and Temptations of Christ

Gary and Kyle split the lessons this past Sunday while Abe was taking a break to visit Bill and Kim in the Carolinas. Gary’s lesson was on “Emotions of Christ”, and Kyle’s lesson was titled “Tempted Like Jesus”. Gary focused on Jesus and how He displayed his humanity through emotions in His life. From weeping at the death of Lazarus, to the anger for the money changers at the temple, to His love for the people in His life we see the Son of God was very much like us. Kyle focused on the ordeals that Christ faced after His baptism and straightway being led into the wilderness for fasting and being tempted by Satan himself.

In both lessons we see the human and deity in Christ. We hope you can listen, download, or share these recordings. Most of all, we hope you can take the thoughts in these lessons and be stronger in your faith!

