Clarifying Righteousness

Today in his lesson, Clarifying Righteousness, Roger begins by noting that the Bible is very clear that “righteousness” is not easily found among mankind. The lesson shows us that those who do well can still fail in sin, and those who sin can do well by forgiveness. The goal of...

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Rich Young Ruler + Blessed a Hundredfold

Matthew Allen from the Kettering congregation was able to join us today, and he presented two lessons for us today. The first lesson was a study of the Rich Young Ruler from Matthew 19 – what he was doing right, the type of person he was, and what he lacked....

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Spiritual Growth

The last few lessons we’ve posted have focused on growing and planning as Christians. Today’s lessons by Abe focus on obtaining GROWTH as we set out to accomplish our plans. It has been said (and was mentioned yesterday) that there is no “idle” in a church. Either a church is...

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Do Not Loose Heart Lessons – 04/08/12

Abe’s lessons for today were entitled “Do Not Loose Heart”. Trying to be a godly person in a wicked, ungodly world requires effort, but it is worth it! Recordings of the lessons can be heard by clicking the links below: 040812-dont-loose-heart-1 040812-dont-loose-heart-2

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1 Corinthians Lesson – 03/04/12

Abe’s lessons for today were entitled “1 Corinthians”. A look at this book of the New Testament, to whom it was written, and how we can use it today. Recordings of the lessons can be heard by clicking the links below: 030412-1-corinthians-1 030412-1-corinthians-2

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