Memorials of Faith

As we marked this past Fourth of July weekend, Abe gave us two lessons on memorials from the Bible. He talked about the 12 stones that were taken from the Jordan River when the Israelites crossed into the promised land with Joshua on dry ground (Joshua 4). Specifically, how those...

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Fleeing and Pursuing

As part of Abe’s “Conduct in the House of the Lord” series, Abe’s lessons today were on Fleeing and Pursuing. As so well illustrated by his photo of the young boy running, it is not apparent whether the boy is running from something (fleeing) or running after something (pursuing). What...

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Jesus – Savior and King

Our 5th Sunday of the month occurred again in May and as is our custom, we alter our first assembly lesson to use songs, scripture, and an invitation that are based on a single subject. This time the subject was on Jesus, as our Savior and King. I was able...

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Proper Treatment of Family

Abe’s lesson this past Sunday were entitled, “Proper Treatment of Family”. I challenge you to see how many family roles you hear Abe mention in both lessons… In Paul’s writings to Timothy, Paul notes how we are the ‘house of God’ or the ‘family of God’. Christians are part of...

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What Happened?

Abe and Roger split the lessons today, with two lessons entitled, “What Happened?”, asking the question, how did humans get to where they are now with all that God has done? We live in a time where we constantly hear of those in the world, or even in other religions...

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Let No One Despise Your Youth

Part of Abe’s “Conduct in the House of God” series, the lessons for today were titled, “Let No One Despise Your Youth“. Why is youth such a big deal? Well, it is the only time in our lives that we can choose what our life will be in the coming...

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