The Gospel

Mark 1:1-3 – “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.   As it is written in the Prophets: “Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.  The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the...

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God Holds the Future

Embed from Getty Images Our “5th Sunday” worship occurred this past Sunday, as it does every month with 5 Sundays in a single month. Our tradition is to use these days to focus on a single subject using song, scripture, and lessons to help those in attendance be surrounded by...

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Life – the Gift of God

Everyone loves gifts! Some gifts come with no responsibilities.  Examples: Money, Toy, Coffee Cup, etc. Some gifts have some responsibilities attached.  Examples: Vehicle, Pet, Property, etc. There are some responsibilities with God’s gifts. God has blessed us with so many gifts that it is like the song we sing, “Count...

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Job 38:36 –“Who has put wisdom in the mind? Or who has given understanding to the heart?” What is one thing that many people want? It might vary from person to person, but if one knew the importance of wisdom and what it brings, then everyone would want it to...

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Today, January 10th, 2016, the Waynesville Church of Christ had the pleasure of beginning the day in our NEW BUILDING! Classes and the worship service all went very smoothly for our first assembly! MANY people were up late again last night – even into the morning working on getting all...

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