Here in the Real World

Today, Alan began his lesson in Hebrews 11 talking about the the “Hall of Faith” as we often refer to it. Individuals from the Bible who did more of what God asked of them than many before or after them. Others are listed in that chapter who were unwilling to...

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The Kingdom of God

Jeremy Price joins us today and begins his lesson by looking at a number of passages. He starts with Colossians 1:13, Psalm 103:19, Romans 13:1, Daniel 4:3, John 18:36, Matthew 4:17, John 3:5-7, 1 Corinthians 6, and Matthew 7:21 all to talk about the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom exists,...

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Seeking the Lord

On October 10th, Roger, Jr. shared a lesson on “Seeking the Lord” and what can come from us doing that, what was done with it from Bible times, and what not seeking the Lord can do for us and to us. Roger begins by asking the congregation what are things...

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Hunger and Thirst

Jeremy Price and his family were able to be with us again today, as he shared his lesson on “Hunger and Thirst”. No, he was not talking about hoping the lesson would go quickly so he could get some lunch with his family. Nor was he thinking about how the...

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Standing for the Truth

Cody presented a lesson today on Standing for the Truth. What is “Truth”? Many have asked that question, many have also not told it over eons of time. But once we know the truth, what do we do with it? What SHOULD we do with it? How can we know...

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Setting Boundaries

Today, Roger’s lesson may have sounded like the title of one he presented in November of 2017, but that one was titled “Boundaries“. Today’s lesson is “Setting Boundaries”. Where the former lesson was mostly about the boundaries that God set for man to stay in His graces in his Word,...

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